Care for those struggling with tough life circumstances through one-on-one counseling and community outreach events.
Use your gifts and talents to glorify God! Serving the local church is one of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ. And it’s not just on Sundays! Serving opportunities are available seven days a week.
Grace Church has serving opportunities for every personality, skillset, season, and schedule. No matter your age and stage of life, you bring something special to our church family.
Care for those struggling with tough life circumstances through one-on-one counseling and community outreach events.
Help capture worship, special events, and community moments through photos and video!
Provide a warm and inviting environment to our guests on Sunday mornings and other events by serving as a greeter, usher, Connect Center volunteer, or on Chaska’s coffee crew.
Partner with parents and leaders as we point our kids to Jesus in the early stages of life.
Lead, inspire, and equip men to know the Word, teach it, and faithfully follow Christ as husbands, fathers, and friends.
Be part of spreading the Good News through helping with events coordination and support, fulfilling administrative needs, hosting missionaries, and more!
Extend God’s love and bring the gospel message of hope and healing into messy places through mentoring, serving, hosting, foster care, adoption, and more.
Join a team of vigilant customer service-minded people who love the Lord and feel called to serve by providing safety and security during services.
Help those with special needs as classroom support on Sundays or spend time with kids at respite nights throughout the year.
Invest in the next generation through small group leadership, sharing your creative skillsets, or enhancing the student experience on the Best Night Experience team!
Help women get connected, study God’s Word, and encourage one another in their walk with Christ.
Use your vocal or instrumental gifts to point people to Jesus through worship or get in on the behind-the-scenes fun of producing Sunday services and special events through audio, video, lighting, and production.