Staff and Elders

Pastor Travis Armstrong

Director of Marriage Ministries
Ministry Description:

Create an environment that is attractive to junior and senior high students because it’s fun, welcoming, and deeply rooted in Christ Jesus. My role is to shepherd this young flock by providing protection, care, and guidance. It is my greatest passion to see young people come to faith in Christ and then to enter this world with an active faith that makes a difference in their homes, schools, and community.


Wife Stephanie, One daughter, and two sons


Love extreme sports; but also love camping, hiking, fishing…basically any outdoor adventure.


April 2 – almost a “fool” baby!

My Faith:

I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through an extraordinarily cool dude named Zach Statson. Zach was just an ordinary guy who loved Jesus, loved students, and loved the great outdoors. Zach was my Sunday School teacher, and during one of our famous camping trips, he painted a beautiful picture of salvation. During Zach’s Gospel presentation, I realized I was in the grips of a master passion: I was smitten by the Holy Spirit, drawn to the cross, and given over to the irresistible truth that he died on a cross for me. My faith is a result of the intentional discipleship of this one guy; it works, and it’s what I want to do with the students in my care.