Missions exists to equip the Grace family to engage with God’s mission to glorify God by making disciples across the street and around the world.
Everyone engaged in making disciples of Christ, opening our lives to those who don’t know Jesus, and reaching the spiritually darkest places with the light of the gospel.
Working tirelessly and strategically to bring the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ across the street and around the world until there is no place left.
Centering our lives around the ultimate mission of making God known, loved, and worshipped everywhere.
Actively and fervently praying for the church to be mobilized in the harvest, gospel barriers to be broken, God’s Kingdom to come, and people everywhere to worship Jesus.
Giving sacrificially our time, resources, and abilities to fully engage in God’s mission and strategically target the spiritually darkest regions.
Living with a deep sense of urgency for the fulfillment of God’s mission and recognizing that Jesus is returning soon, we understand that we have a critical role in making disciples across the street and around the world.
Join us in praying for our Grace missionaries around the world.
Opportunity to give financially to Missions. Please select your location, then designate “Missions” under the fund category.