OneLess Resources

OneLess Resources

Host, Foster, Adopt


Hosting is an incredible opportunity to extend the love of Christ by providing temporary housing for a child.

Together For Good

We partner with Together for Good (TFG) to provide care for children in our local communities during times of parental crisis. The goal is to bring stability to the family before there is a need to involve child protective services. Hosting placements are often short-term, ranging from a few days to weeks. Providing short-term care is an excellent first step if you are considering foster care or adoption.

Questions? E-mail us at [email protected]

Hosting FAQs

Below are common questions families have about hosting.


The need within the foster care system is overwhelming — on an average day in Minnesota, there are over 7,600 children in our foster care system. Children are removed from their homes primarily due to parental drug abuse, neglect, or physical abuse. Any statistic associated with foster care is bleak, yet each number represents a child in need of love and care.

There are many opportunities to provide traditional, respite, or specialized foster care through private or county agencies. Check out our resource list for agency information, as well as websites, books, podcasts, and more.

Foster Care Reimbursement Fund

This fund reimburses up to $1,000 of expenses for Grace Church members as they prepare their homes to provide foster care.

Support Group

A group for adoptive and foster moms meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year to share, encourage, and pray for one another. 


Please see our resource list for a list of agencies and resources used by Grace Church foster care and adoptive families or the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO).


Below are common questions families have about foster care.


Choosing an adoption agency and understanding the overall adoption process can be overwhelming. We are here to encourage and support families throughout their adoption journey, whether they are pursuing international or domestic adoption, including adoption from foster care and embryo adoption.

Check out our resource list for agency information, as well as websites, books, podcasts, and more. We’re also glad to meet in person to discuss your specific situation, answer questions, and provide direction. E-mail us at [email protected] to schedule a meeting.

Adoption Scholarship Fund

We offer scholarships to Grace Church families that are preparing to care for children through the foster care system or who are adopting domestically or internationally, including embryo adoption.

Support Group

A group for adoptive and foster moms meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year to share, encourage, and pray for one another. 


Please see our resource list for a list of agencies and resources used by Grace Church families who have adopted or the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO).


Below are common questions families have about adoption.

At-Risk Outreach

Aspire Mentoring Program

Mentor an at-risk child, age 5-12. Come alongside a child to provide support, point him or her to Christ, and guide them into healthy relationships and a future.

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Royal Family Kids Camp

Royal Family Kids Camp is designed to be week of positive memories and royal treatment for kids ages 6-12 who are in foster care. Adult counselors provide 1:1 attention and help teach about God’s love in a Christian camp environment.

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Foster & Adoptive Family Respite Night

Foster and Adoptive parents can enjoy an evening out, while their children up to age 12, can choose various activities in a safe, supervised environment, including crafts, a bouncy house, sports, face painting, a movie, and more.

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For Life Initiatives

Pro-Life Advocacy

Want to learn more about how you can advocate for life?

Pro-Life Mini-Series

Check out this three-part mini-series and additional resources from Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute. Each short episode will dive into a pro-life topic to help you become more informed and compassionate in the conversation for life.

Episode 1: Understanding Arguments
Episode 2: Understanding Worldviews
Episode 3: Understanding Bioethics
Additional Resources

Want more? Check out Scott Klusendorf’s book, The Case for Life. 

Embrace Groups
Embrace Moms

A group to equip young, single moms so they can learn to flourish in their relationship with God and not only survive in life but thrive! These brave moms will learn spiritual and practical ways to help navigate their way through life so they can rediscover their capabilities, passions, and dreams.


Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Are you or someone you know facing an unplanned pregnancy? We are glad to meet 1:1 and discuss ways we can provide support. E-mail [email protected]

Stop The Trafficking

Stop The Trafficking Annual 5K Walk/Run

An annual community event to raise awareness and funds to end human trafficking. All proceeds are designated to organizations working to help sexually exploited youth and women.

Learn More


Our text-based prayer group supports local police as they engage in operations to target buyers and help victims. Texts are sent as specific requests come in, typically focused on operations targeting buyers or victims who have been identified but are not yet recovered. We ask all those who receive the text to stop and pray in the moment. To join, simply text the keyword JOINSTT to 43506


We have the opportunity to reach out to those currently involved the life of exploitation as well as helping survivors of sex trafficking. Through partnerships with local organizations, we assist with practical needs and more. For more info, email [email protected]

Contact Us!

We are here for you.

Reach out to Grace Oneless Ministry Team